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- The Graphics Interchange Format (c) protocol is the Copyright
- property of CompuServe Incorporated.
- GIF (sm) and the Graphics Interchange Format (sm) are the Service
- Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.
- In order to implement and use GIF, You must obtain a license from:
- CompuServe, Incorporated.
- 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd.
- Columbus, Ohio 43220
- 614-457-8600
- 800-848-8199
- G I F (tm)
- Graphics Interchange Format (tm)
- A standard defining a mechanism
- for the storage and transmission
- of raster-based graphics information
- June 15, 1987
- (c) CompuServe Incorporated, 1987
- All rights reserved
- While this document is copyrighted, the information
- contained within is made available for use in computer
- software without royalties, or licensing restrictions.
- GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks of
- CompuServe, Incorporated.
- an H&R Block Company
- 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd.
- Columbus, Ohio 43220
- (614) 457-8600
- Page 2
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Specification
- Table of Contents
- INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
- GENERAL FILE FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
- GIF SIGNATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
- SCREEN DESCRIPTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
- GLOBAL COLOR MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5
- IMAGE DESCRIPTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
- LOCAL COLOR MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7
- RASTER DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7
- GIF TERMINATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
- GIF EXTENSION BLOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
- APPENDIX A - GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 3
- Specification
- 'GIF' (tm) is CompuServe's standard for defining generalized color
- raster images. This 'Graphics Interchange Format' (tm) allows
- high-quality, high-resolution graphics to be displayed on a variety of
- graphics hardware and is intended as an exchange and display mechanism
- for graphics images. The image format described in this document is
- designed to support current and future image technology and will in
- addition serve as a basis for future CompuServe graphics products.
- The main focus of this document is to provide the technical
- information necessary for a programmer to implement GIF encoders and
- decoders. As such, some assumptions are made as to terminology relavent
- to graphics and programming in general.
- The first section of this document describes the GIF data format
- and its components and applies to all GIF decoders, either as standalone
- programs or as part of a communications package. Appendix B is a
- section relavent to decoders that are part of a communications software
- package and describes the protocol requirements for entering and exiting
- GIF mode, and responding to host interrogations. A glossary in Appendix
- A defines some of the terminology used in this document. Appendix C
- gives a detailed explanation of how the graphics image itself is
- packaged as a series of data bytes.
- Graphics Interchange Format Data Definition
- +-----------------------+
- | +-------------------+ |
- | | GIF Signature | |
- | +-------------------+ |
- | +-------------------+ |
- | | Screen Descriptor | |
- | +-------------------+ |
- | +-------------------+ |
- | | Global Color Map | |
- | +-------------------+ |
- . . . . . .
- | +-------------------+ | ---+
- | | Image Descriptor | | |
- | +-------------------+ | |
- | +-------------------+ | |
- | | Local Color Map | | |- Repeated 1 to n times
- | +-------------------+ | |
- | +-------------------+ | |
- | | Raster Data | | |
- | +-------------------+ | ---+
- . . . . . .
- |- GIF Terminator -|
- +-----------------------+
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 4
- Specification
- The following GIF Signature identifies the data following as a
- valid GIF image stream. It consists of the following six characters:
- G I F 8 7 a
- The last three characters '87a' may be viewed as a version number
- for this particular GIF definition and will be used in general as a
- reference in documents regarding GIF that address any version
- dependencies.
- The Screen Descriptor describes the overall parameters for all GIF
- images following. It defines the overall dimensions of the image space
- or logical screen required, the existance of color mapping information,
- background screen color, and color depth information. This information
- is stored in a series of 8-bit bytes as described below.
- bits
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte #
- +---------------+
- | | 1
- +-Screen Width -+ Raster width in pixels (LSB first)
- | | 2
- +---------------+
- | | 3
- +-Screen Height-+ Raster height in pixels (LSB first)
- | | 4
- +-+-----+-+-----+ M = 1, Global color map follows Descriptor
- |M| cr |0|pixel| 5 cr+1 = # bits of color resolution
- +-+-----+-+-----+ pixel+1 = # bits/pixel in image
- | background | 6 background=Color index of screen background
- +---------------+ (color is defined from the Global color
- |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| 7 map or default map if none specified)
- +---------------+
- The logical screen width and height can both be larger than the
- physical display. How images larger than the physical display are
- handled is implementation dependent and can take advantage of hardware
- characteristics (e.g. Macintosh scrolling windows). Otherwise images
- can be clipped to the edges of the display.
- The value of 'pixel' also defines the maximum number of colors
- within an image. The range of values for 'pixel' is 0 to 7 which
- represents 1 to 8 bits. This translates to a range of 2 (B & W) to 256
- colors. Bit 3 of word 5 is reserved for future definition and must be
- zero.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 5
- Specification
- The Global Color Map is optional but recommended for images where
- accurate color rendition is desired. The existence of this color map is
- indicated in the 'M' field of byte 5 of the Screen Descriptor. A color
- map can also be associated with each image in a GIF file as described
- later. However this global map will normally be used because of
- hardware restrictions in equipment available today. In the individual
- Image Descriptors the 'M' flag will normally be zero. If the Global
- Color Map is present, it's definition immediately follows the Screen
- Descriptor. The number of color map entries following a Screen
- Descriptor is equal to 2**(# bits per pixel), where each entry consists
- of three byte values representing the relative intensities of red, green
- and blue respectively. The structure of the Color Map block is:
- bits
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte #
- +---------------+
- | red intensity | 1 Red value for color index 0
- +---------------+
- |green intensity| 2 Green value for color index 0
- +---------------+
- | blue intensity| 3 Blue value for color index 0
- +---------------+
- | red intensity | 4 Red value for color index 1
- +---------------+
- |green intensity| 5 Green value for color index 1
- +---------------+
- | blue intensity| 6 Blue value for color index 1
- +---------------+
- : : (Continues for remaining colors)
- Each image pixel value received will be displayed according to its
- closest match with an available color of the display based on this color
- map. The color components represent a fractional intensity value from
- none (0) to full (255). White would be represented as (255,255,255),
- black as (0,0,0) and medium yellow as (180,180,0). For display, if the
- device supports fewer than 8 bits per color component, the higher order
- bits of each component are used. In the creation of a GIF color map
- entry with hardware supporting fewer than 8 bits per component, the
- component values for the hardware should be converted to the 8-bit
- format with the following calculation:
- <map_value> = <component_value>*255/(2**<nbits> -1)
- This assures accurate translation of colors for all displays. In
- the cases of creating GIF images from hardware without color palette
- capability, a fixed palette should be created based on the available
- display colors for that hardware. If no Global Color Map is indicated,
- a default color map is generated internally which maps each possible
- incoming color index to the same hardware color index modulo <n> where
- <n> is the number of available hardware colors.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 6
- Specification
- The Image Descriptor defines the actual placement and extents of
- the following image within the space defined in the Screen Descriptor.
- Also defined are flags to indicate the presence of a local color lookup
- map, and to define the pixel display sequence. Each Image Descriptor is
- introduced by an image separator character. The role of the Image
- Separator is simply to provide a synchronization character to introduce
- an Image Descriptor. This is desirable if a GIF file happens to contain
- more than one image. This character is defined as 0x2C hex or ','
- (comma). When this character is encountered between images, the Image
- Descriptor will follow immediately.
- Any characters encountered between the end of a previous image and
- the image separator character are to be ignored. This allows future GIF
- enhancements to be present in newer image formats and yet ignored safely
- by older software decoders.
- bits
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte #
- +---------------+
- |0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0| 1 ',' - Image separator character
- +---------------+
- | | 2 Start of image in pixels from the
- +- Image Left -+ left side of the screen (LSB first)
- | | 3
- +---------------+
- | | 4
- +- Image Top -+ Start of image in pixels from the
- | | 5 top of the screen (LSB first)
- +---------------+
- | | 6
- +- Image Width -+ Width of the image in pixels (LSB first)
- | | 7
- +---------------+
- | | 8
- +- Image Height-+ Height of the image in pixels (LSB first)
- | | 9
- +-+-+-+-+-+-----+ M=0 - Use global color map, ignore 'pixel'
- |M|I|0|0|0|pixel| 10 M=1 - Local color map follows, use 'pixel'
- +-+-+-+-+-+-----+ I=0 - Image formatted in Sequential order
- I=1 - Image formatted in Interlaced order
- pixel+1 - # bits per pixel for this image
- The specifications for the image position and size must be confined
- to the dimensions defined by the Screen Descriptor. On the other hand
- it is not necessary that the image fill the entire screen defined.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 7
- Specification
- A Local Color Map is optional and defined here for future use. If
- the 'M' bit of byte 10 of the Image Descriptor is set, then a color map
- follows the Image Descriptor that applies only to the following image.
- At the end of the image, the color map will revert to that defined after
- the Screen Descriptor. Note that the 'pixel' field of byte 10 of the
- Image Descriptor is used only if a Local Color Map is indicated. This
- defines the parameters not only for the image pixel size, but determines
- the number of color map entries that follow. The bits per pixel value
- will also revert to the value specified in the Screen Descriptor when
- processing of the image is complete.
- The format of the actual image is defined as the series of pixel
- color index values that make up the image. The pixels are stored left
- to right sequentially for an image row. By default each image row is
- written sequentially, top to bottom. In the case that the Interlace or
- 'I' bit is set in byte 10 of the Image Descriptor then the row order of
- the image display follows a four-pass process in which the image is
- filled in by widely spaced rows. The first pass writes every 8th row,
- starting with the top row of the image window. The second pass writes
- every 8th row starting at the fifth row from the top. The third pass
- writes every 4th row starting at the third row from the top. The fourth
- pass completes the image, writing every other row, starting at the
- second row from the top. A graphic description of this process follows:
- Image
- Row Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Result
- ---------------------------------------------------
- 0 **1a** **1a**
- 1 **4a** **4a**
- 2 **3a** **3a**
- 3 **4b** **4b**
- 4 **2a** **2a**
- 5 **4c** **4c**
- 6 **3b** **3b**
- 7 **4d** **4d**
- 8 **1b** **1b**
- 9 **4e** **4e**
- 10 **3c** **3c**
- 11 **4f** **4f**
- 12 **2b** **2b**
- . . .
- The image pixel values are processed as a series of color indices
- which map into the existing color map. The resulting color value from
- the map is what is actually displayed. This series of pixel indices,
- the number of which is equal to image-width*image-height pixels, are
- passed to the GIF image data stream one value per pixel, compressed and
- packaged according to a version of the LZW compression algorithm as
- defined in Appendix C.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 8
- Specification
- In order to provide a synchronization for the termination of a GIF
- image file, a GIF decoder will process the end of GIF mode when the
- character 0x3B hex or ';' is found after an image has been processed.
- By convention the decoding software will pause and wait for an action
- indicating that the user is ready to continue. This may be a carriage
- return entered at the keyboard or a mouse click. For interactive
- applications this user action must be passed on to the host as a
- carriage return character so that the host application can continue.
- The decoding software will then typically leave graphics mode and resume
- any previous process.
- To provide for orderly extension of the GIF definition, a mechanism
- for defining the packaging of extensions within a GIF data stream is
- necessary. Specific GIF extensions are to be defined and documented by
- CompuServe in order to provide a controlled enhancement path.
- GIF Extension Blocks are packaged in a manner similar to that used
- by the raster data though not compressed. The basic structure is:
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte #
- +---------------+
- |0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1| 1 '!' - GIF Extension Block Introducer
- +---------------+
- | function code | 2 Extension function code (0 to 255)
- +---------------+ ---+
- | byte count | |
- +---------------+ |
- : : +-- Repeated as many times as necessary
- |func data bytes| |
- : : |
- +---------------+ ---+
- . . . . . .
- +---------------+
- |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| zero byte count (terminates block)
- +---------------+
- A GIF Extension Block may immediately preceed any Image Descriptor
- or occur before the GIF Terminator.
- All GIF decoders must be able to recognize the existence of GIF
- Extension Blocks and read past them if unable to process the function
- code. This ensures that older decoders will be able to process extended
- GIF image files in the future, though without the additional
- functionality.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 9
- Appendix A - Glossary
- Pixel - The smallest picture element of a graphics image. This usually
- corresponds to a single dot on a graphics screen. Image resolution is
- typically given in units of pixels. For example a fairly standard
- graphics screen format is one 320 pixels across and 200 pixels high.
- Each pixel can appear as one of several colors depending on the
- capabilities of the graphics hardware.
- Raster - A horizontal row of pixels representing one line of an image. A
- typical method of working with images since most hardware is oriented to
- work most efficiently in this manner.
- LSB - Least Significant Byte. Refers to a convention for two byte numeric
- values in which the less significant byte of the value preceeds the more
- significant byte. This convention is typical on many microcomputers.
- Color Map - The list of definitions of each color used in a GIF image.
- These desired colors are converted to available colors through a table
- which is derived by assigning an incoming color index (from the image)
- to an output color index (of the hardware). While the color map
- definitons are specified in a GIF image, the output pixel colors will
- vary based on the hardware used and its ability to match the defined
- color.
- Interlace - The method of displaying a GIF image in which multiple passes
- are made, outputting raster lines spaced apart to provide a way of
- visualizing the general content of an entire image before all of the
- data has been processed.
- B Protocol - A CompuServe-developed error-correcting file transfer protocol
- available in the public domain and implemented in CompuServe VIDTEX
- products. This error checking mechanism will be used in transfers of
- GIF images for interactive applications.
- LZW - A sophisticated data compression algorithm based on work done by
- Lempel-Ziv & Welch which has the feature of very efficient one-pass
- encoding and decoding. This allows the image to be decompressed and
- displayed at the same time. The original article from which this
- technique was adapted is:
- Terry A. Welch, "A Technique for High Performance Data
- Compression", IEEE Computer, vol 17 no 6 (June 1984)
- This basic algorithm is also used in the public domain ARC file
- compression utilities. The CompuServe adaptation of LZW for GIF is
- described in Appendix C.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 10
- Appendix B - Interactive Sequences
- GIF Sequence Exchanges for an Interactive Environment
- The following sequences are defined for use in mediating control
- between a GIF sender and GIF receiver over an interactive communications
- line. These sequences do not apply to applications that involve
- downloading of static GIF files and are not considered part of a GIF
- file.
- The GCE sequence is issued from a host and requests an interactive
- GIF decoder to return a response message that defines the graphics
- parameters for the decoder. This involves returning information about
- available screen sizes, number of bits/color supported and the amount of
- color detail supported. The escape sequence for the GCE is defined as:
- ESC [ > 0 g (g is lower case, spaces inserted for clarity)
- (0x1B 0x5B 0x3E 0x30 0x67)
- The GIF Capabilities Response message is returned by an interactive
- GIF decoder and defines the decoder's display capabilities for all
- graphics modes that are supported by the software. Note that this can
- also include graphics printers as well as a monitor screen. The general
- format of this message is:
- #version;protocol{;dev, width, height, color-bits, color-res}... <CR>
- '#' - GCR identifier character (Number Sign)
- version - GIF format version number; initially '87a'
- protocol='0' - No end-to-end protocol supported by decoder
- Transfer as direct 8-bit data stream.
- protocol='1' - Can use an error correction protocol to transfer GIF data
- interactively from the host directly to the display.
- dev = '0' - Screen parameter set follows
- dev = '1' - Printer parameter set follows
- width - Maximum supported display width in pixels
- height - Maximum supported display height in pixels
- color-bits - Number of bits per pixel supported. The number of
- supported colors is therefore 2**color-bits.
- color-res - Number of bits per color component supported in the
- hardware color palette. If color-res is '0' then no
- hardware palette table is available.
- Note that all values in the GCR are returned as ASCII decimal
- numbers and the message is terminated by a Carriage Return character.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 11
- Appendix B - Interactive Sequences
- The following GCR message describes three standard EGA
- configurations with no printer; the GIF data stream can be processed
- within an error correcting protocol:
- #87a;1 ;0,320,200,4,0 ;0,640,200,2,2 ;0,640,350,4,2<CR>
- Two sequences are currently defined to invoke an interactive GIF
- decoder into action. The only difference between them is that different
- output media are selected. These sequences are:
- ESC [ > 1 g Display GIF image on screen
- (0x1B 0x5B 0x3E 0x31 0x67)
- ESC [ > 2 g Display image directly to an attached graphics printer.
- The image may optionally be displayed on the screen as
- well.
- (0x1B 0x5B 0x3E 0x32 0x67)
- Note that the 'g' character terminating each sequence is in lower
- case.
- The assumed environment for the transmission of GIF image data from
- an interactive application is a full 8-bit data stream from host to
- micro. All 256 character codes must be transferrable. The establishing
- of an 8-bit data path for communications will normally be taken care of
- by the host application programs. It is however up to the receiving
- communications programs supporting GIF to be able to receive and pass on
- all 256 8-bit codes to the GIF decoder software.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 12
- Appendix C - Image Packaging & Compression
- The Raster Data stream that represents the actual output image can
- be represented as:
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +---------------+
- | code size |
- +---------------+ ---+
- |blok byte count| |
- +---------------+ |
- : : +-- Repeated as many times as necessary
- | data bytes | |
- : : |
- +---------------+ ---+
- . . . . . .
- +---------------+
- |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| zero byte count (terminates data stream)
- +---------------+
- The conversion of the image from a series of pixel values to a
- transmitted or stored character stream involves several steps. In brief
- these steps are:
- 1. Establish the Code Size - Define the number of bits needed to
- represent the actual data.
- 2. Compress the Data - Compress the series of image pixels to a series
- of compression codes.
- 3. Build a Series of Bytes - Take the set of compression codes and
- convert to a string of 8-bit bytes.
- 4. Package the Bytes - Package sets of bytes into blocks preceeded by
- character counts and output.
- The first byte of the GIF Raster Data stream is a value indicating
- the minimum number of bits required to represent the set of actual pixel
- values. Normally this will be the same as the number of color bits.
- Because of some algorithmic constraints however, black & white images
- which have one color bit must be indicated as having a code size of 2.
- This code size value also implies that the compression codes must start
- out one bit longer.
- The LZW algorithm converts a series of data values into a series of
- codes which may be raw values or a code designating a series of values.
- Using text characters as an analogy, the output code consists of a
- character or a code representing a string of characters.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 13
- Appendix C - Image Packaging & Compression
- The LZW algorithm used in GIF matches algorithmically with the
- standard LZW algorithm with the following differences:
- 1. A special Clear code is defined which resets all
- compression/decompression parameters and tables to a start-up state.
- The value of this code is 2**<code size>. For example if the code
- size indicated was 4 (image was 4 bits/pixel) the Clear code value
- would be 16 (10000 binary). The Clear code can appear at any point
- in the image data stream and therefore requires the LZW algorithm to
- process succeeding codes as if a new data stream was starting.
- Encoders should output a Clear code as the first code of each image
- data stream.
- 2. An End of Information code is defined that explicitly indicates the
- end of the image data stream. LZW processing terminates when this
- code is encountered. It must be the last code output by the encoder
- for an image. The value of this code is <Clear code>+1.
- 3. The first available compression code value is <Clear code>+2.
- 4. The output codes are of variable length, starting at <code size>+1
- bits per code, up to 12 bits per code. This defines a maximum code
- value of 4095 (hex FFF). Whenever the LZW code value would exceed
- the current code length, the code length is increased by one. The
- packing/unpacking of these codes must then be altered to reflect the
- new code length.
- Because the LZW compression used for GIF creates a series of
- variable length codes, of between 3 and 12 bits each, these codes must
- be reformed into a series of 8-bit bytes that will be the characters
- actually stored or transmitted. This provides additional compression of
- the image. The codes are formed into a stream of bits as if they were
- packed right to left and then picked off 8 bits at a time to be output.
- Assuming a character array of 8 bits per character and using 5 bit codes
- to be packed, an example layout would be similar to:
- byte n byte 5 byte 4 byte 3 byte 2 byte 1
- +-.....-----+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
- | and so on |hhhhhggg|ggfffffe|eeeedddd|dcccccbb|bbbaaaaa|
- +-.....-----+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
- Note that the physical packing arrangement will change as the
- number of bits per compression code change but the concept remains the
- same.
- Once the bytes have been created, they are grouped into blocks for
- output by preceeding each block of 0 to 255 bytes with a character count
- byte. A block with a zero byte count terminates the Raster Data stream
- for a given image. These blocks are what are actually output for the
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 14
- Appendix C - Image Packaging & Compression
- GIF image. This block format has the side effect of allowing a decoding
- program the ability to read past the actual image data if necessary by
- reading block counts and then skipping over the data.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Page 15
- Appendix D - Multiple Image Processing
- Since a GIF data stream can contain multiple images, it is
- necessary to describe processing and display of such a file. Because
- the image descriptor allows for placement of the image within the
- logical screen, it is possible to define a sequence of images that may
- each be a partial screen, but in total fill the entire screen. The
- guidelines for handling the multiple image situation are:
- 1. There is no pause between images. Each is processed immediately as
- seen by the decoder.
- 2. Each image explicitly overwrites any image already on the screen
- inside of its window. The only screen clears are at the beginning
- and end of the GIF image process. See discussion on the GIF
- terminator.